Sample: Demos

Sample: Demos

Android library for implementing the action bar design pattern using the backported sources of Ice Cream Sandwich.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
4.4.x 4.4.0 central juuli 29, 2013
4.3.x 4.3.1 central apr 28, 2013
4.3.0 central apr 15, 2013
4.2.x 4.2.0 central okt 08, 2012
4.1.x 4.1.0 central mai 18, 2012
4.0.x 4.0.2 central apr 16, 2012
4.0.1 central märts 26, 2012
4.0.0 central märts 21, 2012