

Abstraction that makes it easier to implement brave in http clients and servers.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
3.7.x 3.7.0 central mai 06, 2016
3.6.x 3.6.0 central apr 25, 2016
3.5.x 3.5.0 central märts 06, 2016
3.4.x 3.4.0 central jaan 10, 2016
3.3.x 3.3.0 central dets 31, 2015
3.2.x 3.2.0 central dets 09, 2015
3.1.x 3.1.0 central nov 09, 2015
3.0.x 3.0.0 central sept 20, 2015
3.0.0-rc-1 central aug 31, 2015
3.0.0-alpha-1 central juuni 21, 2015