

This is a small extension to Google's Guava library to allow for the creation of configurable retrying strategies for an arbitrary function call, such as something that talks to a remote service with flaky uptime.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
2.0.x 2.0.0 central juuli 01, 2015
1.0.x 1.0.7 central jaan 21, 2015
1.0.6 central märts 26, 2014
1.0.5 central dets 04, 2013
1.0.4 central juuni 08, 2013
1.0.3 central jaan 16, 2013
1.0.2 central nov 18, 2012
1.0.1 central aug 29, 2012
1.0.0 central aug 27, 2012