Tweety (Probabilistic Conditional Logic Library)

Tweety (Probabilistic Conditional Logic Library)

Tweety is a collection of various Java libraries that implement approaches to different areas of artificial intelligence. In particular, it provides a general interface layer for doing research and working with different knowledge representation formalisms such as classical logics, conditional lo...

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
1.14 central juuli 17, 2019
1.12 central jaan 23, 2019
1.11 central aug 06, 2018
1.10 central jaan 16, 2018
1.9 central juuli 13, 2017
1.8 central jaan 16, 2017
1.7 central juuli 06, 2016
1.6 central veebr 04, 2016
1.5 central jaan 11, 2016
1.4 central juuli 06, 2015
1.3 central jaan 07, 2015
1.2 central juuni 20, 2014