Flink : Table : API Java bridge

Flink : Table : API Java bridge

This module contains the Table/SQL API for writing table programs that interact with other Flink APIs using the Java programming language.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
1.9.x 1.9.3 central juuli 04, 2021
1.9.1 central dets 31, 2020
1.9.0 central aug 19, 2019
1.8.x 1.8.0 central apr 03, 2019
1.8.1 central
1.14.x 1.14.6 central
1.14.5 central
1.14.4 central
1.14.3 central
1.14.2 central
1.14.1 central
1.13.x 1.13.2 central sept 23, 2022
1.13.1 central juuli 04, 2021
1.13.5 central
1.13.3 central
1.13.0 central
1.12.x 1.12.0 central dets 01, 2021
1.12.4 central juuli 04, 2021
1.12.2 central juuni 20, 2021
1.12.1 central juuni 19, 2021
1.12.7 central
1.11.x 1.11.3 central apr 12, 2022
1.11.1 central juuli 04, 2021
1.11.2 central nov 18, 2020
1.11.0 central
1.10.x 1.10.3 central veebr 17, 2021
1.10.1 central