Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Command Line Interface

Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Command Line Interface

Provides a simple shell-like console that access the file vault.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
3.4.x 3.4.0 central sept 10, 2019
3.2.x 3.2.8 central märts 18, 2019
3.2.4 central sept 21, 2018
3.2.0 central aug 06, 2018
3.1.x 3.1.44 central veebr 20, 2018
3.1.42 central nov 10, 2017
3.1.40 central juuni 22, 2017
3.1.38 central märts 21, 2017
3.1.30 central sept 26, 2016
3.1.28 central aug 18, 2016
3.1.26 central jaan 06, 2016
3.1.24 central sept 25, 2015
3.1.18 central apr 01, 2015
3.1.16 central veebr 20, 2015
3.1.14 central dets 16, 2014
3.1.8 central okt 17, 2014
3.1.6 central apr 22, 2014
3.1.2 central apr 02, 2014
3.1.0 central märts 27, 2014
3.0.x 3.0.0 central sept 26, 2013