Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: File Monitor

Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: File Monitor

This bundle monitors the deploy directory for new OSGi bundles in jar form, expanded form or for configuration file changes and undeploys/redeploys them

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
1.1.x 1.1.0 central märts 17, 2009
1.0.x 1.0.0 central sept 16, 2008
1.0.0-rc2 central aug 06, 2008
1.0.0-rc1 central juuni 09, 2008
1.0-m3 central mai 13, 2008
1.0-m2 central märts 05, 2008
1.0-m1 central jaan 29, 2008