Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JAXB API 2.2

Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JAXB API 2.2

This pom provides project information that is common to all ServiceMix branches.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
2.9.x 2.9.0 central juuni 02, 2017
2.8.x 2.8.0 central märts 20, 2017
2.7.x 2.7.0 central apr 14, 2016
2.6.x 2.6.0 central jaan 22, 2016
2.5.x 2.5.0 central apr 07, 2015
2.4.x 2.4.0 central jaan 02, 2014
2.3.x 2.3.0 central nov 14, 2013
2.2.x 2.2.0 central nov 28, 2012
2.1.x 2.1.0 central okt 02, 2012
2.0.x 2.0.0 central juuni 12, 2012
1.9.x 1.9.0 central okt 28, 2011
1.8.x 1.8.0 central mai 19, 2011
1.7.x 1.7.0 central jaan 06, 2011
1.6.x 1.6.0 central nov 04, 2010