Cargo Maven Archetype demonstrating the Cargo Daemon

Cargo Maven Archetype demonstrating the Cargo Daemon

Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to generate a webapp and remotely start and stop a container with the application deployed on it.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
1.9.x 1.9.8 central okt 18, 2021
1.9.7 central aug 23, 2021
1.9.6 central aug 06, 2021
1.9.5 central juuni 29, 2021
1.9.4 central mai 13, 2021
1.9.3 central märts 22, 2021
1.9.2 central veebr 27, 2021
1.9.1 central veebr 02, 2021
1.9.0 central jaan 28, 2021
1.8.x 1.8.5 central jaan 27, 2021
1.8.4 central jaan 02, 2021
1.8.3 central dets 15, 2020
1.7.x 1.7.9 central dets 11, 2019
1.7.8 central nov 30, 2019
1.7.7 central aug 17, 2019
1.7.6 central juuli 16, 2019
1.7.5 central juuni 21, 2019
1.7.3 central märts 09, 2019
1.7.2 central jaan 26, 2019
1.7.1 central dets 09, 2018
1.7.0 central nov 01, 2018
1.6.x 1.6.11 central okt 16, 2018
1.6.10 central sept 08, 2018
1.6.9 central aug 02, 2018
1.6.8 central juuni 01, 2018
1.6.7 central märts 03, 2018
1.6.6 central dets 24, 2017
1.6.5 central okt 17, 2017
1.6.4 central juuli 02, 2017
1.6.3 central apr 20, 2017
1.6.2 central jaan 06, 2017
1.6.1 central nov 08, 2016
1.6.0 central sept 12, 2016
1.5.x 1.5.1 central sept 08, 2016
1.5.0 central mai 31, 2016
1.4.x 1.4.19 central märts 20, 2016
1.4.18 central jaan 17, 2016
1.4.17 central dets 13, 2015
1.4.16 central sept 09, 2015
1.4.15 central juuli 13, 2015
1.4.14 central apr 25, 2015
1.4.13 central märts 07, 2015
1.4.12 central jaan 22, 2015
1.4.11 central nov 20, 2014
1.4.10 central sept 21, 2014
1.4.9 central juuli 28, 2014
1.4.8 central apr 01, 2014
1.4.7 central veebr 08, 2014
1.4.6 central dets 17, 2013
1.4.5 central okt 18, 2013
1.4.4 central aug 29, 2013
1.4.3 central juuli 20, 2013
1.4.2 central mai 29, 2013
1.4.1 central mai 24, 2013
1.10.x 1.10.10 central okt 07, 2023
1.10.6 central märts 12, 2023
1.10.4 central nov 26, 2022