jdbi3 caffeine cache

jdbi3 caffeine cache

Cache implementation with the caffeine cache library

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
3.45.x 3.45.2 central juuni 28, 2024
3.45.0 central veebr 18, 2024
3.45.1 central
3.44.x 3.44.0 central jaan 31, 2024
3.44.1 central
3.43.x 3.43.0 central jaan 03, 2024
3.42.x 3.42.0 central
3.41.x 3.41.3 central
3.41.2 central
3.41.1 central
3.41.0 central
3.40.x 3.40.0-a0 central juuli 10, 2023
3.40.0 central
3.39.x 3.39.1 central juuni 17, 2023
3.39.0 central juuni 17, 2023
3.38.x 3.38.3 central
3.38.2 central
3.38.1 central
3.38.0 central
3.37.x 3.37.1 central