jOOR is a recursive acronym that stands for jOOR Object Oriented Reflection. It is a simple wrapper for the java.lang.reflect package.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
0.9.x 0.9.14 central apr 08, 2021
0.9.12 central juuli 08, 2019
0.9.11 central apr 04, 2019
0.9.10 central dets 04, 2018
0.9.9 central juuni 12, 2018
0.9.8 central apr 04, 2018
0.9.7 central nov 30, 2017
0.9.6 central juuli 06, 2016
0.9.5 central märts 05, 2015
0.9.4 central juuni 25, 2014
0.9.3 central apr 29, 2012
0.9.2 central märts 23, 2012
0.9.1 central jaan 17, 2012
0.9.0 central dets 29, 2011
0.9.15 central
.x RELEASE central jaan 01, 2000