Dashboard View

Dashboard View

Hudson view that shows various cuts of build information via configured portlets.

Versioon Hoidla Kasutusvõimalust Kuupäev
1.8.x 1.8.2 central jaan 19, 2011
1.8.1 central sept 16, 2010
1.8 central sept 15, 2010
1.7.x 1.7 central aug 12, 2010
1.6.x 1.6 central mai 20, 2010
1.5.x 1.5 central apr 02, 2010
1.4.x 1.4 central märts 25, 2010
1.3.x 1.3 central märts 04, 2010
1.1.x 1.1 central nov 16, 2009
1.0.x 1.0 central okt 11, 2009